There are numerous Life lessons embedded in our daily activities, if only we take our time to give proper attention to the things that happen around us. One of the lessons can be drawn from a woman cooking with a charcoal stove. She first begins to set the charcoal into the stove, she then goes ahead to look for nylons and other materials that'll aid combustion. After all these are in place she goes ahead to set the charcoal and other substances on fire, she also doesn't get discouraged by the smoke that rises up first because she's more than assured of the fact that if all things are in place, the smoke will become flames of fire. She advances to take a sit to intentionally monitor the progress of the fire. She doesn't just sit alone, in her hand is a substance to fan the flames evenly, she also shields the fire from being put off by the wind. She maintains that position until the flame is potent enough to successfully cook whatever she wants to. The above scenerio sp...