Those lenses have overstayed their welcome!!!
Those lenses needs to be replaced. Most often our sight can be questioned, not because we don’t see. But because we see with the wrong lens. We’re in haste to forget that not all circumstances misfortunes,difficulties are meant to mar us. You must have been irritated if you’ve been to a potters shop for the first time, you’d have gotten the chance to see how he endlessly smashes the already made pot till he gets his desired outcome. He doesn’t stop till the pot becomes all that he has imagined it to be. Permit me to ask if you’ve seen the transformation of a larva- pupa- adult (butterfly)? Who would have believed that something beautiful could emanate from such an organism that wasn’t a sight to behold? What if the mother killed it because it looked so ugly AT FIRST? Let’s move to our very own fetus in the womb of a woman. You definitely must be in awe of how a primitive looking creature could turn out to be cute babies that receives countless numbers of awnnnnn awnnnn whenever th...